Be Aware of Construction at the Admin Building
An important message from DWI President and CEO reads as follows:
To: Clients, Guardians, Parents, Care Providers and Guests
From: McKayla Matlack President and CEO
Re: Upcoming Parking Lot renovation
DWI Admin Parking lot will be undergoing a renovation set to begin on August 22, 2022. This project will eliminate any access to the north portion (Front Entry) of the lot.
We will need your cooperation with make this temporary inconvenience as smooth and safe as possible.
Attached you will find temporary map that will be in effect until the project is complete. Along with the memo to share with outside stakeholders.
All guests will be required to call the front desk prior to entering the building at 208-524-1550 ext. 1000. Once the desk has approved entry, guests will need to visit the front desk to check in and check out.
To minimize unnecessary entry into the building ALL public transportation providers who are picking up individuals throughout the day to go to work or home outside the regular schedule will need to contact the front desk at 208-524-1550 ext. 1000 and request client pick up. Clients will exit and enter from the east side of the building. Clients will need to visit the front desk to check out and check in before leaving and when returning.
At the beginning and end of the day during the peak arrival and drop off all clients will exit and enter on the east side of the building. There will be staff available for pick up and drop off assistance. There should be minimal need for drivers to enter the building.
All employees not needing ADA accessible parking will be required to park in other parking lots or within legalized parking locations outside the admin parking lot. ADA parking will be allowed in the designated blue area on the map and wheelchair assistance will be provided upon request please call the front desk at 208-524-1550 ext. 1000
Access to the admin building and other campus buildings will be done as noted by the yellow arrows on the map and with caution when crossing the road from the east furthest entry. We ask that staff assist clients as much as possible due to the lack of official crosswalk lines on the busy roadway. Flags will be provided for crosswalks to caution drivers.
We appreciate your cooperation and patience to assist all in this temporary inconvenience. Any questions or concerns can be directed to McKayla at 208-821-5844
McKayla Matlack