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LIFE Skills

LIFE is staffed by trained professionals who are committed to helping individuals achieve their goals in an environment where they feel included, valued, and respected.

Our Program focuses on training individuals with developmental disabilities in Activities of Daily Living (ADL), which include seven major areas:

  • Self Care
  • Receptive and Expressive Language
  • Learning
  • Gross and Fine Motor Development
  • Self-Direction
  • Capacity for Independent Living
  • Economic Self Sufficiency


Skills training include (but is not limited to): Clothing care, grooming, health care, meal planning and preparation, time management, home leisure and community orientation..

Because we believe that social skills are best learned in a social environment, we offer field trips, crafts and recreational activities to teach and reinforce appropriate social skills.

We add VALUE to the lives of the individuals that we serve by:

  • Providing learning opportunities that engage the individual in skill development
  • Providing a safe and welcoming environment
  • Providing opportunities to make choices; whether it's to engage in activities and their opportunities to learn, or
  • Providing opportunities to succeed and to fail and to experience the consequences of both.



Stakeholders Susan Barnes and Kelly McCain are parents with children attending DWI. In addition, Susan and Kelly are both a past Chair of the DWI Board of Directors. Brought together for the first time to discuss their experiences with the DWI LIFE program.


Socialize and work and learn. Being independent.

G.B., Client

I enjoy working with Development Workshop as a TSC. My participants are well monitored and followed by the staff. They enjoy going there.

C.M., Targeted Service Coordinator

I am very grateful that you take my individual to do fun things because I am unable.

C.F., Parent

I want to learn. I make friends a the Workshop. I love helping my friends.

B.S., Client

Development Workshop has a structured, friendly environment that prioritizes individual responsibility, social development, and skill building to help clients reach their goals. They do a great job!

R.N., Targeted Service Coordinator

Why Choose DWI?

Our Staff

All staff are First Aid and CPR certified. Individual attention is provided in a group setting. Our staff to client ratio is 1 to 5. Our Instructors employ a wide variety of activities to create an environment for clients to practice skills that are included in their individual development plan.

CARF Accreditation

LIFE at DWI is the only program of its kind in Eastern Idaho that has earned the prestigious CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) National Accreditation.

CARF is an independent and nonprofit accreditor of health and human services providers. Their focus is on ensuring that the services you choose will meet your needs for quality and the best possible outcomes. CARF’s rigorous audits help to guide us in delivering the best rehabilitative practices in the industry.

Licensed by the State of Idaho
Individualized Goals/Flexible Services

Activities are developed for each person and measured to result in increased independence.

Instruction is offered in a variety of structured environments including the community, the home and the classroom.

Need more information about our Adult Life Program?

Call our Director of Adult Life


Torrey Thornton, Director of Adult Life at 208-524-1550 for more information about our Adult Life Skills Programs.